Thursday 25 February 2016

Restaurant Domestic

Bulan lalu, saya dan teman-teman satu lab makan malam di sebuah restoran di Aarhus bernama Restaurant Domestic. It’s a gourmet restaurant in the heart of Aarhus and focus on the local and presence.

It goes by many names, and we - the team behind Restaurant Domestic - has been called "Gastronomic star team", "a four-leaf clover of the very interesting kind," "competent," "passionate people who have a mission" and other names slightly same style. we bear the names with humility, for basically we are just ordinary people with a passion for the profession and a passion for what we do. Ditte, Christoffer, Morten and Christian, four firebrands - all with the same dream - to create a gourmet restaurant with a focus on sustainability and local producers. (

Monday 22 February 2016

Denmark Dining week 2016

Dining week adalah satu minggu dimana para foodies dapat menikmati makan di beberapa restaurant di Copenhagen, Aarhus, Alborg, dan Odense dengan harga yang membuat sensasi kebahagiaan meningkat beberapa derajat. Dining week di Denmark biasa diadakan pada saat liburan musim dingin, yaitu minggu ke 7 setiap tahunnya. Dining week tahun 2016 ini adalah dining week ke-6. Dining week ini diselenggarakan oleh San Pellegrino dan Copenhagen food.